Nobody is perfect but this couple was close to it. It’s not about how they look and what they wear or the fact that it was all captured in majestic Rome. It’s because when they were together nothing else around seemed to matter to them. And this is how it should always be when in love, isn’t it? It was my pleasure to be part of it, even though at times I had to yell three times to get their attention. 😀
Check out the pictures capturing the moments starting from our pre-wedding walk. I will tell you more about the beautiful wedding day in the next half of this blog. 🙂 Enjoy it as much as we did!
Nikto nie je dokonalý. Ale tento pár mal k tomu blízko. A nehovorím o tom ako vyzerajú, čo majú oblečené alebo, že sme fotili v čarovnom Ríme. Hovorím to hlavne preto, lebo keď títo dvaja boli spolu, nezaujímalo ich nič iné. A tak by to malo byť, nie? Takto by v mojom ružovom svete mal vyzerať každý pár, ktorý sa práve rozhodol si navzájom povedať Áno. A mňa to tak tešilo. Aj keď som niekedy na nich musela kričať 3x, kým si spomenuli, že som tam.
Pozrite si najprv fotky z našej prechádzky v predvečer svadby, k svadbe vám poviem viac v polovičke tohto blogu.
Day D. 12 people, all there to witness the love and happiness shared by the two. Bit late for the ceremony, the bride had to rush across the Italian streets. The tourists and onlookers applauding the sight as she shouted that she needs to run to her groom. Our taxi driver on the way to the photoshoot had to face time his wife to share these loving moments with her. We escaped few crashes with buses on the streets, as people around admired the couple dancing around. The bride had the most beautiful sandals I have ever seen. The little boy although looks like their son is just the bride’s little brother. Moments of the wedding celebration includes groom’s sister singing, pianist and then an American who happened to be a stranger crashing their wedding, wanting to be part of it.
All of that and more in the pictures below. Love and be loved.
Deň D. 12 ľudí, všetci sa ľúbili, boli krásni a šťastní. Meškali sme na obrad, nevesta utekala cez talianske uličky za potlesku okoloidúcich a kričala, že si chce zobrať svojho muža. Keď nás bral taxikár na fotenie, zavolal svojej manželke cez facetime a nadšene nám hovoril ako je aj on zaľúbený. Fotili sme v strede hlavnej cesty. Niekoľkokrát nás skoro prešiel autobus. Oni tancovali, ľudia okolo kričali a tlieskali. Nevesta mala najkrajšie topánky, aké som kedy videla. Chlapček je jej brat, nie ich syn. Spievala im sestra, klavirista aj neznámy američan. Kyticu s dievčatami chytali dve okoloidúce turistky.
Všetko uvidíte v nasledujúcich fotkách. A ľúbte sa, je to krásne.